Monday, January 23, 2012

Some government programs are necessary, as are grants, provided they are used for those who are genuinely trying to be productive players in our society.  Entitlements are a burden on us all.  Current taxation is onerous and we are heading down an impossible path with our current administrations spending. 
The Fair Tax concept is perfect in its conception as the best system for taxation.  It can't be debated.  It will bring huge returns to all Americans while taking tax loopholes away from non-payers.  The idea the government can care for all people by taxing the rich or that it can create jobs is ridiculous, and has been proven so time and time again in other failed systems in other countries. 
Stand up America and get educated.  Push yourself and create your dream.  Don't expect others to give it to you, otherwise, you will wait forever for a dream that won't come true.