Thursday, February 9, 2012

Woman In Combat

The Pentagon announced today that woman would be formally permitted in crucial and dangerous jobs in combat, but not officially allowed to be in combat.  What?!  Oh come on make up your mind.  Woman already serve in many of those jobs but as temporary "attachments" to battalions as medics, tank mechanics, radio operators and other critical jobs.  For instance in Afghanistan and Iraq, these temporary jobs were a bureaucratic sidestep that has been necessary due to the high demand for troops in the last ten years of war.  The Pentagons new rules make permanent these existing arrangments and are simply playing catch up.  Bans to woman serving in the infantry, in combat tank units, and in special ops for woman to advance in a military career, they need to be recognized that they really have a role in combat.  The current policy does not recognize this role and are therefore holding back woman from advancing.  I'm sure that many still believe that one reason why woman should not these combat roles in the military is because woman aren't strong or emotionally able to handle it. But weren't not talking about a entire battalion of woman.  What we are talking about are the women who have interest and the ablility to perform in these roles.  Many are mentally and physically capable to perform at the same or even better levels as some men.  The point is, a lot of women will leave the service if they realize they're career is limited, and yet some of the old stereo types persist.
The link below brings on a strong argument I feel interesting:

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