Friday, February 24, 2012

How to buy a President

Super PAC’s and how the very rich are buying the elections. This NY Times editorial seems to be coming from the left as it mostly points to big donors to republican candidates.

This author is clearly attempting to argue that the conservatives are getting unfair and unbalanced investments by donations all the while, it is noted, Obama is innocent of any wrongdoing and has only gotten a few dollars. Then goes on to say that he too might be falling into the easy money trap showing us the author isn't really biased, but clearly is.
In addition, the author seems to grab at straws while making salient points about the potential failings of the system, to wave a very particular point about a donor’s personal view regarding uses for aspirin. Really quite an odd point.

But a strong point is made that an elite few interested parties certainly do have opportunities with the system set up today as it is, to influence politicians to see their way. Super PAC’s are entities that are designed to take in money and then spit it to a candidate as if it wasn't from an individual.

Individuals are limited as to how much they can give to politicians so as to keep money launderers or criminals or power brokers from buying power. Now they can just go through these intermediaries to give as much as they want.
The link below you will find the argument the author is trying to make.  Makes for an interesting read.

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