Monday, March 19, 2012

Maureen Dowd writes in her op Ed that the battle of the sexes is in trouble. Or at least I think she does.
The open repeats Hillary Clinton's speech at the World Summit about women's continuing struggle for equality in the world, but then her report quickly takes a hard left turn into a complete scathing attack on the republican party.

She sites current extreme contextually relevant items to use as ammunition to attack republican "cavemen" to use her words, as if they have an agenda to reduce women to third world status.

This piece seemingly starts off as an exposé on women leaders in the world, ie Clinton, and dives into an attack on republicans, finally jumping the shark with
an out of left field fantasy about how Clinton would make the ultimate vice president candidate who then could be the perfect presidential candidate in 2016.

Clearly Dowd's audience is the hard leftist NOW contingent, and not the Rush Limbaugh crowd, pointing to his nickname for her, yet forgetting the reality that during her husband's political career, she overlooked his constant transgressions thus showing all women how one clearly must support her man. Please!

Dowd should really stop cutting and pasting incongruous snippets to make her weak points and try if she can, to make her point clear. She believes the democrats can do no wrong, that republicans are monsters bent on taking away all our rights and freedoms and she believes Hillary Clinton is somehow perfectly suited - no pun intended - to be our leader.

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