Monday, April 30, 2012

Immigration Laws

I have only heard so much and read a bit on this one, but there seems to be a whole lot of argument about how Arizona is facing off against federal law and so the president is attempting to sue the state. What really seems to be happening is that, a state that is overwhelmed historically by illegal immigration, is tired of waiting on the Feds to act on whatever laws exist and are attempting to regain their state for its indigenous people. Immigrants are anyone from outside a place. Note I haven't mentioned Mexicans. This is less about that than simply broken laws and the risk to Americans.

Another menacing reality pops up about now, in that it certainly can be argued that politically, in this ripe season of re-election fever and an administration salivating at every opportunity to keep twisting government to its new vision, and that every traditional democrat voter is needed to keep its goal within reach. Winning at any expense. Keep illegals coming and promos them whatever to get their votes. These separate people's, from all cultures and countries, need a government to feed them, clothe them, pay their medical bills and all on the backs of those awful rich Americans.

States like Arizona and others besieged by illegal immigration, by the way, the term guests is offensive, should have power to decide how to handle local issues like these. We are not back in time turning our faces from the horrors the Irish faced in the New York area for instance. No one is pushing for violence or lynching, but for stronger enforcement of our original immigration laws and if states be allowed, let them get on it.

Certainly we should all be somewhat concerned that after 9/11 out borders would by now be a whole lot tighter, but in some areas even in Texas, cartels are shooting it up as I write this...on our soil.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Agreeing to Disagree Blog response on "A Boost to Obama's Confidence"

Our author is living the same dream as the democrat party with this feeling that things are going better and that if the polls say things are better than they are. The economy is not getting better because of anything this administration is doing, but I am not attempting to argue about recent history and stats. rather, if only we the people could get straight facts so that we could actually make a decision based in fact and not on feelings and polls and suppositions about who started what and why we are the way we are economically now versus then. 

Facts are that if those with means got tax relief then they would be more likely to invest in business that would invest in workers. When we tax those with money only to give to those who stand by to take what they feel is owed them, then we all run out of money and nobody produces anything. This is evident in other countries, like Greece today, and we have shown it in America in our own past, but nobody wants to look at history. That is old news, right?

Stop whining about how they are immature. Both parties act like their current constituents. Both are acting like children with too much money and power and it needs to stop for the sake of the country and our future as a real free and representative country.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reply to Ageeing to Disagree

Our author is living the same dream as the democrat party with this feeling that things are going better and that if the polls say things are better than they are. The economy is not getting better because of anything this administration is doing, but I am not attempting to argue about recent history and stats. rather, if only we the people could get straight facts so that we could actually make a decision based in fact and not on feelings and polls and suppositions about who started what and why we are the way we are economically now versus then. 

Facts are that if those with means got tax relief then they would be more likely to invest in business that would invest in workers. When we tax those with money only to give to those who stand by to take what they feel is owed them, then we all run out of money and nobody produces anything. This is evident in other countries, like Greece today, and we have shown it in America in our own past, but nobody wants to look at history. That is old news, right?

Stop whining about how they are immature. Both parties act like their current constituents. Both are acting like children with too much money and power and it needs to stop for the sake of the country and our future as a real free and representative country.