Monday, April 30, 2012

Immigration Laws

I have only heard so much and read a bit on this one, but there seems to be a whole lot of argument about how Arizona is facing off against federal law and so the president is attempting to sue the state. What really seems to be happening is that, a state that is overwhelmed historically by illegal immigration, is tired of waiting on the Feds to act on whatever laws exist and are attempting to regain their state for its indigenous people. Immigrants are anyone from outside a place. Note I haven't mentioned Mexicans. This is less about that than simply broken laws and the risk to Americans.

Another menacing reality pops up about now, in that it certainly can be argued that politically, in this ripe season of re-election fever and an administration salivating at every opportunity to keep twisting government to its new vision, and that every traditional democrat voter is needed to keep its goal within reach. Winning at any expense. Keep illegals coming and promos them whatever to get their votes. These separate people's, from all cultures and countries, need a government to feed them, clothe them, pay their medical bills and all on the backs of those awful rich Americans.

States like Arizona and others besieged by illegal immigration, by the way, the term guests is offensive, should have power to decide how to handle local issues like these. We are not back in time turning our faces from the horrors the Irish faced in the New York area for instance. No one is pushing for violence or lynching, but for stronger enforcement of our original immigration laws and if states be allowed, let them get on it.

Certainly we should all be somewhat concerned that after 9/11 out borders would by now be a whole lot tighter, but in some areas even in Texas, cartels are shooting it up as I write this...on our soil.


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

In “Checks and Balances’” (as I will now refer to her as because I can’t find her name, and I apologize) blog post, she addresses some of the issues concerning illegal immigration.

First, she points out that Arizona has decided to act on its own because it is tired of waiting for the Federal Government to enforce the current laws and in return the President has decided to sue them.
-I feel a bit of background would help to show what specifically Arizona has done and what the current laws that the Federal Government, Checks and Balances states, have failed to enforce are. The law pertaining to illegal immigrants is that anyone over the age of 14 who has been in the US for more than 30 days is required to register with the US government and must carry that registration with them at all times. Arizona furthered the law in their state with the passage of the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, also known as the Arizona Senate Bill 1070, which enforces the Federal law by stating that it is a crime to be in Arizona without those registration documents.

Another thing she mentions is what an immigrant is.
-Just to clarify, it is not immigrants that are the cause of concern. It is illegal immigrants. There is a huge difference as we are all “immigrants”, if you will, and I’m sure illegal immigrants are who she was referring to.

Checks and Balances mentions “broken laws and risk to Americans”, but does not name any.
-One of the arguments regarding illegal immigrants is whether their influence on the economy is good or bad. Some find it beneficial in that it allows struggling companies to stay alive by hiring the immigrants for a very low wage. Others argue that it hurts the economy by taking away prospective jobs from US citizens. Also dealing with the economy, there is the view that the money the immigrants make is returned to society by buying food, clothes, furniture..etc, while others say that it would help if 100% of the profit were to be returned to society but a good percentage of their income goes to their families in their native country. There are other debates, such as crime statistics, but those were just a few regarding the different views.

Another point she brings out is that states should have the right to decide how to handle local issues like this.
-I agree, as each state is affected by different issues on different levels. Immigration is a federal issue, and each state has its own authority to enforce and regulate certain laws in order to protect its citizens.

According to her last paragraph, Checks and Balances is concerned about the border security.
-The problem does not lie predominantly with the borders as most people think, to borrow Mr. Perry’s famous little quote “we need boots on the ground” haha. Yes, illegal immigrants do “sneak” across the border, but the majority of illegal immigrants in the US enter legally. The issue is they do not follow the law in registering after the 30 days.

I understand where Checks and Balances is coming from. She is rightfully upset about illegal immigration and its affect on the American society. Even though I agree with her stance, I feel presenting more facts would help her view come across more effectively.

SmartAleck said...
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SmartAleck said...

The topic of illegal immigration is the kind of gray-area topic I absolutely love because hearing/readying peoples opinions on it always gets me fired up! I think that’s because I’m constantly at war with myself about it so it’s interesting to know other peoples opinions. I like this piece by Checks and Balances. Although there is a lack of article backup and information about what exactly they’ve been reading - there is a TON of literature out there.

This entry does stir up feelings for me though. For instance, I totally agree that because illegal immigration can be such a uniquely different issue in every state (Cuban immigration in Florida, Mexican immigration here…) it should be treated as such. It would be difficult to design an acceptable piece of legislation to deal with immigration in each state as well as the country as a whole. The problem of immigration has so many levels to it, it can be intimidating.

I wish the ideal resolution of everyone coming here legally was a reality. However, on an emotional level I’ve seen the families that run here and the hard times they are escaping. I currently live with someone whose grandparents came to Florida from Cuba. Ive heard the stories of what they are trying to escape and though I know that what they did so many years ago may’ve been illegal, I can’t help but be glad they succeeded. At the same time I’ve seen those who aren’t running from a miserable place but are coming here because they figured how to exploit this country and use it to their advantage. Those are the people I wish would be found and forced to leave. However, there is no way to separate the two. The fact of the matter is there is no way to weed out the bad from the good. Our country also relies too heavily on the illegal immigrants we already have and if we removed those who came here illegally we would be hard pressed to find anyone willing to do the “dirty” jobs we hate! That is probably a little bit too… bold to say but it’s the horrible truth. We as Americans have been spoiled by yard crews that mow our lawns for us and roofing companies as well as various other services we take for granted that are staffed by people willing to brave conditions we wouldn’t. Not to mention, this is what our country has done for most of history. We use the impoverished to get things done that we don’t want to do. (Now I’m just ranting again.)

Anyway, While I agree strongly that immigrants need to come here legally and if they are caught here illegally they should either be deported or the situation should be corrected immediately somehow. Sadly, I know that our country may not be ready for that yet, and I know for sure that our government isn’t because if our government really wanted illegal immigrants out of the country - they’d be gone already. Also, I very much like the idea of dealing with things on a state by state basis! This is my new favorite idea! Although, I do kind of fear how Texas would handle it if given the opportunity.

All in all, I think that Checks and Balances did a great job! I enjoyed it very much and think they put their opinion into words very nicely.

Analisa said...

I believe the points made by the author of "Immigration Laws" are valid. The arguing over state’s rights vs. federal rights in regard to immigration laws and the politicizing of immigration by political parties allows the most important fact to be overlooked, which is this: United States’ citizens’ financial and physical lives are in grave danger because of the illegal immigration problem that the U.S. government does not address.
The federal law charges the federal government with the responsibility of protecting the borders of the United States from illegal immigration and to keep the U.S. citizens’ safe from her enemies. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has refused to reach out and help Arizona with the increasing problems illegal immigration brings on not only the government and law enforcement agencies of the state, but on the people of the state, as well. Even after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s repeated attempts to engage the federal government, to persuade the federal government, to do the job they are legally required to do, the current administration has refused to step in to help secure the Arizona borders. To make matters worse, as the blogger has stated, the federal government has even brought a law suit against the state of Arizona for doing the job the federal government itself is supposed to be doing.
I also agree with the blogger’s statement that allowing immigrants to stay in this country illegally benefits the political party that supports the social welfare programs that would benefit these immigrants. Typically, immigrants come to the United States with very little, financially speaking, and without a job waiting for them once they arrive. They are not even allowed to be employed if they are illegally in the U.S. This is federal law. Therefore, illegal immigrants are typically migrant workers, underpaid workers, or unemployed.

Analisa said...

Because of the inability to legally find viable jobs, these illegal immigrants are financially supported by the U.S. government and given access to the social programs offered by the government (welfare, food stamps, health care, free public education, and even, in some states, free college tuition). While it is supposed to be illegal to vote if you are not in this country legally, many illegal votes are cast. Therefore, those illegal immigrants who are going to benefit from the social programs offered by the government typically vote for the party that supplies these benefits, not for the party that wishes to reduce and eliminate them altogether. Historically, the Democrat party is the party of welfare, started by FDR some 60 plus years ago. With the current president being a member of the Democratic party, it is easy to understand why he would want these illegal immigrants to stay in this country…they are a very important part of his party's numbers.
Not only do illegal immigrants impose a financial burden on the tax payers whose taxes pay for those welfare programs, some illegal immigrants also pose a security threat to individuals and to the United States itself. One needs only look at the Arizona and Texas borders to see the tragedy left behind by the drug smuggling cartels. Not only have hundreds of Mexican citizens been killed in their own country by these cartels, but the Mexican authorities who try to stop these cartels have been killed in large numbers, as well. Sadly, that violence has spilled over the border and into the United States. In fact, even a US Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry, was recently killed by a Mexican cartel member. Bullets have been fired across the Texas border and become embedded in a US high school in south Texas. Drugs are brought across the borders and sold to U.S. citizens. If the borders were secured, much of this illegal drug trafficking would be brought to a halt and, it is likely, many of the drug cartels would be brought down and destroyed.
If 9/11 taught U.S. citizens anything, it has taught them that anyone can enter at any time and use any thing to destroy the citizens of this great country. Every due diligence is in order here and every stop should be taken out of the way to protect this country’s citizens and dealing with illegal immigration is huge piece of this equation.