Sunday, April 22, 2012

Agreeing to Disagree Blog response on "A Boost to Obama's Confidence"

Our author is living the same dream as the democrat party with this feeling that things are going better and that if the polls say things are better than they are. The economy is not getting better because of anything this administration is doing, but I am not attempting to argue about recent history and stats. rather, if only we the people could get straight facts so that we could actually make a decision based in fact and not on feelings and polls and suppositions about who started what and why we are the way we are economically now versus then. 

Facts are that if those with means got tax relief then they would be more likely to invest in business that would invest in workers. When we tax those with money only to give to those who stand by to take what they feel is owed them, then we all run out of money and nobody produces anything. This is evident in other countries, like Greece today, and we have shown it in America in our own past, but nobody wants to look at history. That is old news, right?

Stop whining about how they are immature. Both parties act like their current constituents. Both are acting like children with too much money and power and it needs to stop for the sake of the country and our future as a real free and representative country.

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